
I am well-seasoned in national and local media and communications. My experience in these areas includes:

  • Election to the Texas House of Representatives as the state’s first and only African American female Republican
  • Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Speaker – Give a national speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference
  • Media Surrogate for the Romney/Ryan Presidential Campaign – Appointed by Romney for President to the national Black Leadership Council, which helped facilitate dialogue between Mitt Romney, his campaign, and respected leaders who provide unique expertise, experience, and knowledge on a range of issues affecting black American communities
  • Named as a Transition Team member in Nov. 2016 for the newly elected President Donald Trump in the Department of Justice
  • I have written numerous national op-eds and participated in several national radio shows, including the Armstrong Williams show

If you have an issue you would like to get outside advice and counsel on, please call me at (972) 375-6768 or send me an email at